Tag Archives: wind

“My Old Clock I Wind” audio download

In my post of 13 August, (https://newauthoronline.com/2017/08/13/my-old-clock-i-wind-will-soon-be-available-as-an-audio-download/), I said that my collection of poetry, “My Old Clock I Wind” was in the process of being recorded.

I am pleased to announce that I have now received the completed recording.

Once approved by me “My Old Clock I Wind” will be available to purchase as an audio download from audible.co.uk and audible.com. I will, of course post links here once “My Old Clock” goes live.

In the meantime, “My Old Clock” can be purchased, in ebook and paperback formats from the publisher, http://moyhill.com/clock/, or from Amazon, (ebook only), https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0735JBVBG.

“I can hear the wind laughing outside
At our human pride.
The Tide
Of time moves on
And we are gone
With the wind
That will rescind
These scribbles on the wall”.

(“Wind” is copyright K Morris and can be found in “My Old Clock I Wind”).


The restless wind
calls to the unquiet mind.
I see a swan upon a lake.
A serene
she glides through the water
as some daughter
of the gods.
A man hidden in the reeds
scarcely breathes
for fear
she will notice him near.
The swan sings.
Her song brings
sweet melancholy to his soul.
The whole
he dreamed
awakening to the restless wind
that calls to the unquiet mind.