Monthly Archives: May 2022

There Once Was a Clever Old Ghost

There once was a clever old ghost
Who spent all his days stealing toast.
When they covered it in glue
He said, “I’ll start stealing stew!”.
That clever and most enterprising old ghost!

We All Disjoint

At some point
We all disjoint
And go below
To must
And dust.

Transhumanists may deny
That I
Must surely die.
Yet below
I must go.

The Rain Falls Hard

Rain falls hard
In the churchyard.
But those below
Do not know.

On another day
Some other may,
Passing me by,
Think as I.

There Once Was a Most Poetical Old Squire

There once was a most poetical old squire
Who composed a poem to his housemaid Moriah.
As she knelt on the floor
She said, “do give me more!”.
So he did, which delighted his housemaid Moriah!

With My Joyful Balloon

With my joyful balloon
I found the sky.
But find in middle-age
That the balloon soon
Deflates. And of late
My thoughts engage
With Raleigh’s stage.

(Note: the reference to “Raleigh’s stage” is to his poem “All the Worlds a Stage”,

The Business Side of the Business – Choosing your Publishing Path

A good introductory article for anyone considering publishing their work for the first time.

Life in the Realm of Fantasy

Authors just starting out, either Indie or traditionally published, rarely earn enough royalties to support their families. Regardless of the path you choose, if your spouse makes enough to support you in your early days, you can devote more time to advancing your career.

Its a BusinessBut not every author has that option.

Before you embark on either path, consider this: publishers, large and small, don’t waste budgets promoting work by unknown authors the way they do the few who have risen to the ranks of their guaranteed bestseller lists.

You will do the work of getting your name out there regardless of whether you choose the traditional route or not.

So, what are the perks of going traditional if you’re an unknown? Why go to the trouble of wooing an agent and trying to court a publisher? Even today, an air of ‘respectability’ clings to those who are traditionally published.


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Lou Who Spanks Paying Gentlemen with A Shoe

I know a young lady named Lou
Who spanks paying gentlemen with a shoe.
When she spanked Mr Moore
In a large department store,
They made Lou pay for that shoe!