Monthly Archives: June 2022

Lou Who Fell into a Pot of Stew

When a young lady named Lou
Fell into a pot of stew,
A chef called Doyle
Said, “you will spoil
That stew you fell into Lou!”.

A Rake’s Life

After the women go
I so often know
The meaning of zero.
Sometimes there is pleasure
But, when they go
Often I feel zero.
Sometimes I wonder whether
They also know zero.

I avoid
The void
In nights
Of bought delights.
But, when they go
Often I know
The emptiness of zero.

A Wicked Rumour

I know a pretty young perfumer
Who is spreading a wicked rumour,
About me and her,
And gorgeous Miss Claire.
How sad its just a rumour …!

The Tick Tock of the Clock

The tick tock
Of the clock
Says we must
Turn to dust.

And girl’s heels clip clop
In time with the clock.
And Time’s hands measure
Our pain and pleasure.

Revising my Selected Poems

In 2019 I published my Selected Poems, Since 2019 I have composed many other poems, some of which are included in book form, whilst others exist solely on this blog.

I have been thinking for some time about producing a revised and expanded second edition of my Selected Poems. I intend to begin work on this project in the near future.

As part of producing a second edition of my Selected Poems, I would be interested to hear from any of my readers. If you have a poem of mine that you believe should be included do please get in touch either by commenting below, or via email to

I can not guarantee to take on board all suggestions, but all comments received will be read, acknowledged and considered.

When a Young Lady Who Comes from Dover

When a young lady who comes from Dover
Said, “I want you to bend right over”,
A man named Frank
Said, “do you spank?”,
She said, “just pick up my dropped pullover!”.

George Orwell: What’s in a Name?

An interesting post on Orwell. For anyone who has not read “Animal Farm” or “1984”, I would strongly recommend that you give both novels a go.

words and music and stories

George Orwell, pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair, was born on 25 June 1903 in Motihari, Bengal (now Bihar), British India

English novelist, essayist, and critic, his work is characterised by lucid prose, awareness of social injustice, and strong opposition to totalitarianism. His most famous novels are “Animal Farm” a satire which allegorically depicts Stalin’s betrayal of the Russian revolution on 1917 and “Nineteen Eighty-four” ,a profound anti-utopian novel that examines the dangers of a totalitarian government.

When Eric Blair was getting ready to publish his first work, “Down and Out in Paris and London”, he decided to use a pen name so his family wouldn’t be embarrassed by his time in poverty.

The book was an account of his tramping days in England, particularly in the hop fields of Kent, and of the poverty he endured while living in Paris trying to write novels. Furthermore, at the time…

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