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Great Feedback On My “Selected Poems”

I was delighted to receive the following email earlier today:

“Dear Mr Morris,
I am writing to tell you that your poems in “The Collected Poems of K Morris” that you gave me on the train on my way to college are exceptional. You might not remember me but I am the girl doing politics and history that you met on the train and gifted your amazing book to. I have always been interested in writing poems and therefore you have really inspired me to carry on my interest and write some poems of my own. I would really like to thank you for gifting me your book and inspiring me to continue writing”.

The Selected Poems of K. Morris

“The Selected Poems of K Morris” can be found here https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07WW8WXPP/ (for the UK), and here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WW8WXPP/. (for amazon.com customers).

(Please note, I have not included the young lady’s name in order to protect her privacy).

Gale and the Whale

There once was a girl named Gale

Who got swallowed by a large whale.

But her heels being sharp

He said, “for my part,

I wish I had swallowed a snail!”


I saw hyacinths at my friend’s door.

Such sweet scent, but too soon spent.

Now I enter at his door

Though the flowers bloom no more.

But our friendship lives on

Though the hyacinths are gone.



All flowers must wither and die

But friendship may survive

Until the body dies

And we become as one

With sweet flowers long gone.

The Latest Fashion

Awaking after a night of passion

With a young lady of fashion,

I said to her, “Lou!

We’ve been sleeping in glue!”

She said, “it’s the latest fashion!”

I Once Met Cupid with his Bow

I once met Cupid with his Bow

And said, “there’s this gorgeous girl I know.

Her name is Miss Lee.

Please make her love me!”.

So he shot Miss Lee in her toe!


I have boldly said

Come to bed

And explored in lust

A stranger’s bust.

Wrapped in the charms

Of warm arms

I have let go.

But I know

That behind all lust

Lurks cold and dust.


I once met a young man named Peter

Who liked to play with his electric meter.

The behaviour of Hocking

Is really quite shocking!

But Hocking is not as shocking as Peter!


There was a young lady named Bianca

Who said all people should thank her.

But her conversation was boring

And had them all snoring,

So nobody heard that young lady Bianca!

The Artistic Young Blonde

I know a very artistic young blonde

Of whom I am extremely fond.

She poses in the nude

Which some think real rude,

But she’s artistic, pretty and blonde!

Kevin’s Poetry Podcast

I was delighted to be interviewed by Ariadne Sawyer of the World Poetry Reading Series on Tuesday 16 April. My segment, which runs for just over 10 minutes and begins approximately 15 minutes in, can be found here, https://www.mixcloud.com/VictorSchwartzman/world-poetry-cafe-april-18-2024-kevin-morris-sharon-taylor/



During my interview, I read a mixture of serious and not so serious poems and discussed my work.

The Rake or the Devil

When a wicked old rake known as Toft

Said, “your skin looks so pretty and soft!”,

A young lady named Harden

Said, “I beg your pardon,

Was that you or the devil who coughed!”.