Category Archives: pax et dolor magazine


Our dearest friends,

We have initiated an online magazine ( ezine ) with the name ” Pax Et Dolor
” meaning ” Peace and Pain.”

We would like you to be a part of our good work, an help us unite all the
creative minds and souls all over the blogosphere.

We dream to weave a thread that connects the creative minds and artists
throughout this space.

We have different categories like Prose’ and Poetry, Travel and tourism,
Photography and creative writings, and Cuisines.

We would like to hear your views, ideas, plans, aids, contributions and any

We seek for any of your better and bitter words.

Let us know what you feel and how you would like to contribute to the ezine!

Furthermore, we also are trying to motivate and give platforms to
creativity and artistry and create a paradise of imaginations and arts.

Please drop your views in the comment section, or visit the magazines site,
or mail us, because without you , we are nothing !

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you our dearest friend
Kevin for this opportunity !

And all our friends who have always been positive , supportive and
enthusiastic towards our work. Especially, our regular contributors, authors
and readers.

Visit the Magazine’s site HERE

Mail us for any queries and contributions at:

Find us on Twitter  and  Facebook

We thank you so much!

@ Pax Et Dolor Magazine

Jonathan Noble and Isolated_girl

Thank you sooooooooooo much Kevin, take care and stay connected.

with love
