Monthly Archives: April 2015

Stop Press! Blind Man Becomes The World’s First Visually Impaired Roofer!

In life it is advisable to have more than one string to one’s bow. Bearing this excellent advice in mind I am delighted to announce (trumpets sound) the launch of a new company –! Looking down on the world from a great height will, no doubt get the little grey cells working overtime and enhance my capacity to produce literary works of outstanding quality.

How did I determine to become a roofer? Is not roofing somewhat dangerous for a registered blind person such as myself? To answer the latter question first,fear not my dear readers for I have my trusty guide dog Trigger who will bark should I stray overly close to the roof’s edge and howl most pitifully should we both slip and plummet gracefully (if such a thing is possible) earthwards.

Returning to how all this came to be. Yesterday I received a letter from Yel, the company who own the print Yellow Pages together with it’s online subsidiary. Yell where kind enough to offer me the opportunity to advertise my company, free of charge with their firm. How could I refuse such a kind offer? I was just about to call the good people at Yell, express my undying gratitude for their generosity and accept their offer when a thought struck me – I had no recollection of having established a company of any description let alone one going by the name of Abacus Roofing. Either I am becoming extremely forgetful or the good people at Yellow Pages have got their wires tangled. I think, dear readers the latter is the case! If, however you would like to avail yourself of my roofing services please do drop me a line to newauthoronline (at) gmail dot com, (I really must get a separate address for my roofing business)!


(Note: Joking apart, I did receive a letter from Yell inviting me to advertise I visited the website and received an error message indicating a server issue. There are, incidentally several companies, including one in Northhampton called Abacus Roofing, however they have no connection with yours truly)!

Writing “Home Squeak Home” A Guest Post By Author Victoria Zigler

Many thanks to Victoria (Tori) Zigler for the below guest post. Tori’s latest book, Home Squeak Home comes out tomorrow (Wednesday 29 April 2015).



My book “Home Squeak Home” was inspired by two things: our gerbils, and some of my own books.


The “Kero’s World” series is a series of seven books that are semi-fictionalized accounts of the events in the life of my beloved Westie, who we lost in August 2014. They show his take on the events of his life: his walks, a vet trip, a couple of the big holidays, etc. I have a shorter series – this one with just two books – where events are shown from the point of view of my pet degus; in this case it’s just cage cleaning and Christmas.


I’m a big fan of animal stories myself, and I loved writing the stories; even the final “Kero’s World” book, which is a sort of sad story, and my way of saying goodbye to the real Kero. So, I wanted to include more of my pets in future stories. I mean, they say to write what you love, don’t they? Plus, I’ve had a lot of pets in the past, so I have plenty of characters to choose from; and some of them were real characters, let me tell you!


I decided to start with the gerbils, because, at the time I came up with this idea, they were the only pets I had who didn’t have their own book, since we either no longer had the others for various reasons, or – as in the case of my rats – hadn’t gotten them yet.


But the big question was: what kind of book should I make it? Another semi-fictionalized account? Or, perhaps, something entirely fictional this time, but just using the gerbils as characters? I also had to consider something else: regardless of whether it was semi-fictionalized, or complete fiction, I needed to figure out a topic.


After some thought, I decided I wanted to do a semi-fictionalized story. Even now I’m not sure why; it just felt like the right way to go.


So, what could I have the gerbils involved in? Cage cleaning? Nope! I did that with the degus, and the stories would be too similar. Celebrating Christmas? Maybe, if I found a different angle, but better not to just yet, since I have Christmas books for both Kero and the degus. A trip to the vet? Again, maybe, but since I’d already done that for Kero, I’d need a new angle, and besides… Our gerbils have never been to the vet, though I could imagine how it would go as I’ve taken hamsters to the vet before, and I know what our gerbils are like. Anyway, you get the idea, I’m sure.


Then, at last, I thought of something I hadn’t covered with any of the others, but which was a big event in the lives of our little gerbils; and would be a big event in the lives of other pets, as well as the children who would potentially be getting a pet. I’m talking, as you may have guessed by that last sentence, about bringing them home from the pet shop.


I’ve seen several books where a child gets a new pet, and you see that child learning to care for it. But what I was interested in was the pet itself. How does the pet feel when it leaves its family, and finds itself in a strange place, surrounded by strangers? I think this has been explored with puppies, and possibly also with kittens, but what about gerbils?


I took a look around, and nothing immediately jumped out at me to say it had already been done; the gerbil books I could find seemed to be either factual care guides, or fictional stories about adventures gerbils have had while on the loose. So, I started writing; taking in to consideration what I’ve learned about our gerbils’ personalities in the time we’ve had them.


In the first draft I used their real names, but I decided not to do this for the final draft, so changed them during the second draft. My reason for doing this is to avoid potential complications with copyright issues. You see, the gerbils’ real names are Bilbo and Baggins; names any fan of JRR Tolkien would immediately recognize. If they’d had names that weren’t so obviously taken from a specific author’s work, then I wouldn’t have worried about it, but since their names are instantly recognizable as being those of the main character in “The Hobbit” – and aren’t really the kind of names that might appear elsewhere just by accident; not with the popularity of JRR Tolkien’s books – I decided a name change was my safest bet, and they became Sooty and Scamp.


Will there be any more books about the gerbils? I don’t think so; I have no plans to do more, anyway. But there will be plenty more animal stories where my other past and present pets will make an appearance. Some of these may be semi-fictionalized, but I expect most of them will be stories that are complete fiction; with the exception of the fact the main characters will be based on my pets, named after them, and carry their personalities.




Author bio & social media/website, etc:

Victoria Zigler is a blind author of children’s fiction and poetry. She has a very vivid imagination, and spends a lot of time in fictional worlds; some created by her, others created by other authors. When she remembers to spend some time in the real world, it’s mostly to spend time with her hubby and pets, though sometimes to indulge in other interests such as doing crafts, listening to music, watching movies, playing the odd figure game or roleplaying game, and doing a little cooking and baking. Tori was born in the shadow of the Black Mountains in Wales, UK, has been writing since she knew how, and became a self-published author in 2012. To date she has published 6 poetry books, 33 children’s books, and a fantasy story in a sci-fi and fantasy anthology, with plenty more planned for the near future.


Her books can be found on Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks, and a few other eBook retailers that Smashwords distributes to.









A Snippet Of Conversation

Have you ever overheard a conversation about yourself, failed to speak up and, later wished that you had done so?

Some time ago I was strolling along with my guide dog when I overheard an elderly lady remark to her companion,

“He’s blind”.

In retrospect I should have come back with the quick fire response,

“But he’s not deaf”.

I did, however hold my tongue. There is, as is said in the north of England, “nowt so queer as folk” and the above snippet of conversation acts as living proof of this fact.



Stopping Off

Bending, I trace the weathered stone resting peacefully in the grass. Being blind I know not who slumbers below, but hope they sleep well.

Birds sing. My dog investigates the plants growing in and around the grave, his warm head finds my hand, looking for an answer, “why have we stopped so close to home?” he seems to ask.

Turning, I run my hands over the rough bark of a huge tree. I notice a split in the midst of this mighty oak. Slowly the tree is dying. It won’t go soon unless storm uproots it but, in time the split will deepen, church wardens will consult. Perhaps staves will be employed to support the tree or, maybe a few blows of the woodman’s axe will bring it down for the safety of the community.

Intellectually I know death will one day find me but, standing here I feel no fear, only a curiosity about this place.

An Ode to Trigger

A humorous poem, penned by a former colleague, regarding my angelic four-legged friend, Trigger.

K Morris - Poet

The below humorous poem was penned by one of my former colleagues and relates to the antics of my guide dog Trigger who can be seen in the below photograph:
There was a young guide dog named Trigger,

Who pursued people’s lunches with vigour,

Whether cold food or hot,

He’d go after the lot,

And caused many a smirk and a snigger.

Trigger in the office

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A 5 Star Review Of “Dalliance; A Collection Of Poetry And Prose”

I was delighted to receive the following 5 star review of my book, “Dalliance; A Collection Of Poetry And Prose”:

“Each page has a short, often poignant, poem, prose or story that seem to reach inside and grasp the heart”. (For the review please visit

Thank you to the reviewer, Chris Graham for the above review. To download “Dalliance” please visit (for the UK) or (for the US and rest of world).

Secret Diary Of PorterGirl

I recently came across The Secret Diary of PorterGirl, (, which relates the fictional adventures of Deputy Head Porter. PorterGirl is comfortably ensconced in her position at Old College where she spends her time engaging in various escapades. The blog is humorous and well written. I recommend checking it out.



“Dalliance; A Collection Of Poetry And Prose” Will Soon Be Available In Print

On 23 April I wrote about the release of an expanded edition of my book, “Dalliance; A Collection Of Poetry And Prose”, ( In that post I mentioned that a print edition of “Dalliance” is in preparation, (I hope this will be available in May 2015).

Given the growth in ebook sales why, you may ask have I decided to produce a print edition of “Dalliance”?

There are several reasons:

  1. A number of family and friends prefer print books over their electronic counterparts. Indeed I know of at least one family member who would struggle with an ebook. I could, of course print off copies and distribute them to family and friends. However I would rather present my readers with a professionally produced book than a publication held together by staples or contained in a ring binder.
  2. I like traditional books. Being blind I can’t read print books (most of my reading takes place using the text to speech facility on my Kindle). I do, however love the feel and scent of paper books. A beautifully produced book is an object to be cherished not only for its value as a means of communicating stories, information etc, but also as a thing of beauty possessed of intrinsic worth.
  3. I want to have a copy of “Dalliance” on my real (not merely Kindle) shelves.
  4. I intend to donate print copies of “Dalliance” to local businesses and service providers allowing those who would not otherwise come across my writing to do so. I will, of course gain the permission of said businesses. I intend to sidle up to business owners dressed in dark glasses and a rain coat which has seen better days and ask in a low tone while glancing furtively over my shoulder,

“Would you like something a little different?”

Then, prior to the police being called I will hand over my book!


If you would like a print copy of “Dalliance” please email me at newauthoronline (at) putting “Dalliance” in the subject line.