Tag Archives: instagram

Looking back at 2019, and a happy new year to you all!

Looking back at 2019, I was delighted and honoured to appear on Vancouver Co-Op Radio’s The World Poetry Reading Series, to discuss (and read from) my “Selected Poems”. You can find a link to my interview here, https://worldpoetry.ca/?p=14784. and my “Selected Poems” is available here https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07WW8WXPP/ (for the UK), and here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WW8WXPP/ (for amazon.com customers).

I was surprised and honoured when, in October, I received a Certificate of Honour, Appreciation and Gratitude from the World Poetry Reading Series, https://kmorrispoet.com/2019/10/24/world-poetry-international-canada-certificate-of-honour-appreciation-and-gratitude-awarded-to-poet-kevin-morris/.

Earlier in 2019, I launched my Instagram, which can be found here, https://www.instagram.com/kmorrispoet/.

May I close by wishing all of my readers a very happy new year. If your 2019 has not been a good one, I do hope that the new year turns out to be much better for you.



A young woman of 20
Sells water from her bath
For £24, and there are plenty
Who buy.
I laugh
And wonder why I
Spend my
Valuable time
In rhyme . . .!

(Yesterday I read this article http://mylifestylemax.com/lifestyle/influencer-charges-fans-24-to-buy-bathwater-shes-played-in-and-it-sells-out/ about an”influencer” on Instagram who sells her bath water to any of her followers who are happy to pay £24 for the privelege of possessing a bottle of, err bath water. This caused me to ponder on how people value things, whether that be the water in which a young woman has soaked, or the rhymes poets such as I pen).

Updates to my Soundcloud and Instagram

I have uploaded six new poems to my Soundcloud:

Please note I have added a Soundcloud widget, which allows you to listen to the content without leaving WordPress.

In addition, I have added a number of new pictures and content to my Instagram which can be accessed here.


Updates to my Soundcloud and Instagram accounts

I have uploaded a number of new pictures to my Instagram which can be found here.

I have also uploaded two new poems to my Soundcloud, which can be found here:

New photographs on my Instagram

I have uploaded a number of new pictures to my Instagram.


Poet Kevin Morris is now on Instagram

I am pleased to announce that I am now on Instagram. To visit me on Instagram please click here. My thanks to Shanelle for taking the pictures.

A Forward Young Lady Named Pam

A forward young lady named Pam
Maintains an Instagram,
Containing lots and lots
Of hot erotic shots,
But you should see my Instagram …!

A forward young lady named Pam
Maintains an Instagram,
Containing lots and lots
Of hot erotic shots,
Or so I’m told by Pam …!

Note: I don’t have an Instagram. Leastways I am not admitting to having one …