Penelope’s Complaint

Don’t give me all this stuff about sacking Troy.

You have been shacked up with some girl or boy!

You spin me a line

About men turned into swine.

I am sick of hearing of Circe

And your struggle to be free

Of her.

I’m fed up with affair after affair!

As for that painted nymph

On a plinth


No doubt she let you go

When she saw how you guzzle your food

In a manner most rude.

Or was she a prude

And was it your language so crude

That caused her to shout

And throw you out?!

Be off once more to the sea

I want to be free

Of thee!




Penelope –

Circe –

Calypso –

Odysseus –

2 thoughts on “Penelope’s Complaint

  1. Mira Prabhu

    Reblogged this on mira prabhu and commented:
    Penelope’s ancient complaint! Some things never change, eh? Check out newauthoronline’s terrific poem here…short and punchy and oh so true of the rage that flares up between lovers.


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