Tag Archives: Shadows revisited

“Shadows” Revisited

On 3 December 2016, I wrote “Shadows” https://newauthoronline.com/2017/10/03/shadows-3/. My poem was prompted by the play of shadows created by the winter sun upon the walls of my study.

Today (Sunday 3 December 2017), it is (as was the case one year ago) a cold day. There are, however no shadows playing upon the walls of my study.

“Shadows” appears in my latest collection of poetry, “My Old Clock I Wind”, which is available from Moyhill Publishing, and Amazon.

“My Old Clock I Wind” is also available in braille from the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB).

To order “My Old Clock” in braille please contact RNIB on 0303 123 9999 or buy online at http://shop.rnib.org.uk/.

When contacting RNIB please quote order number 25870603

Alternatively please visit the library’s catalogue, and enter the search term, “my old clock I wind and other poems”, hit search and my book should be displayed.